Two field experiments were carried out at Ismailia Agricultural Research
S:ation, Agricultural Research Center under sprinkler irrigation in sandy soils in 2002
rd 2003 to study the efficiency of some maize hybrids; SC 155, TWC 321, and TWC
352 for intercropping under different patterns; pure stand maize, pure stand peanuts
. addition to 4 mixed patterns. All rows were planted with peanut then maize was
p'anted on peanut rows in different ratios; mixed 1 (Ml) 2:2 ratio maize on peanut
rows: pure stand peanuts, 30 cm between maize hills and one plant/hill, mixed 2 (M2)
2:2 ratio, 50 cm between maize hills and 2 plants/hill, mixed 3 (M3), 1:1 ratio, 30 cm
:etween hills and one plant/hill, mixed 4 M4, 1:1 ratio, 50 cm between hills and 2
tantsihill. Peanut variety Giza-5 was used. Treatments were laid out in a randomized
complete block design with 3 replications. Results revealed that the highest values of
peanut yield and its components were obtained when yellow maize hybrids (SC 155
ard TWC 352) were associated. lntercropping system Ml was accompanied with the
ghest peanut yield. Maize x intercropping pattern interaction was significant for all
traits. The highest pod yield was found when yellow maize hybridš were planted
according to Ml pattern. lntercropping pattern Ml had the highest values of land
equivalent ratio and relative crowding coefficient as well as the lowest values of