The present investigation was conducted during the period from 2001 to 2006, to study the influence of some grape rootstocks on Superior cultivar. Two stages were involved in this study; the first included bench grafting of Superior cultivar on Dogridge, Salt creek, Freedom, Harmony, SO4, Teleki 5C, Paulsen 1103 rootstocks. The following determinations were carried out: percentage of grafting success, vegetative growth of shoots and roots, fresh and dry weight, relative water content, chlorophyll and cation exchange capacity as compared to own-rooted plants. The second stage included the performance of Superior on different rootstocks to study their influence on yield, physical characteristics of bunch & berries, TSS & acidity and morphological characteristics of vegetative growth, coefficient of wood ripening, weight of prunings, trunk volume, leaf content of mineral elements, cane content of total carbohydrates and coefficient of bud fertility.
The results showed that the percentage of grafting success was around (66.7-86.5%) according to rootstocks in all seasons. All rootstocks under study increased the vegetative growth, root length, fresh and dry weight, relative water content, chlorophyll and cation exchange capacity in grafted plants as compared to own-rooted ones. The increase in yield and improvement of grapes in grafted vines ranged between (14.2–36.8%) as compared with those of own-rooted plants according to rootstocks and seasons. Moreover, all rootstocks under study improved the characteristics of vegetative growth, coefficient of wood ripening, weight of prunings, trunk volume, leaf content of mineral elements, cane content of total carbohydrates and coefficient of bud fertility especially Dogridge, Salt creek, Paulsen 1103 and Freedom rootstocks compared to non grafted vines.