Two field experiments were carried out during the two growing seasons 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 at the Experimental Farm of Sakha Agricultural Research Station North Nile Delta region, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt. The effect of three levels from N, P and K and their interaction on yield and quality of sugar beet. The most important finding could be summarized as follows:
a- Nitrogen and phosphorus levels significantly affected on top, root and sugar yields/fad as well as root characters (root length and diameter as well as root weight/plant) in both seasons. increasing both nitrogen and phosphorus levels significantly increased all mentioned characters in the two seasons of study. On the other hand, potassium level failed to excert any significant effect on these traits, except root length in the two seasons.
b- The obtained data reveal that increasing nitrogen level significantly decreased T.S.S% and sucrose %, but had no significant effect on purity % in both seasons. phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in significantly affected all quality characters in the two seasons.
c- The interaction between or among the studied factors had no significant effect on all traits under study.
It was concluded that the application of 120 kg N, 60 kg P2O5 and 48 kg K2O/fad. Could be recommended as optimum NPK fertilization treatments for higher yields and quality of sugar beet.