This experiment was carried out during the two fall seasons of 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 on potato cv. Spunta at Abou Awad village, Aga, Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt to assess the response of potato plant to some antioxidant treatments on growth, yield and some quality characters as well as NPK contents in tubers. Aqueous solution of the antioxidants as foliar spray; i.e., hydrogen peroxide (5 ml/l.), vitamin E (150 ppm), salicylic acid (100 ppm), citric acid (0.5 %), tannic acid (150 ppm) and control.
The obtained results revealed that antioxidants had beneficial effects on vegetative growth characters, total tuber yield and chemical contents of potato tubers. Vegetative growth characters plant height, foliage fresh and dry weight/plant at 75 days after planting (DAP), total Total tuber yield per plant and per feddan were significantly increased in response to foliar application of citric acid and vitamin E, in both seasons. While, number of main stems/plant and number of tubers/plant were significantly affected by using hydrogen peroxide and salicylic acid in the two seasons.
Hydrogen peroxide in both seasons, increased the dry matter and starch percentage as compared with the control. Citric acid was superior for vitamin C, phosphorus and potassium contents in potato tubers. Also, the highest values of nitrogen content was recorded by using Vitamin E compared with control in both seasons.
The beneficial effect of antioxidants treatments was due to improving the vegetative growth characters, production and chemical contents of potato tubers.