Cotton is grown intentionally for fiber and oil, so that cotton-seed quality has economic importance for its products quality. Data about cotton-seed quality is limited. Experimental carried out during 2020-2021 seasons at Mallawi Research Station, Plant Physiology Department, Cotton Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt, using Giza-95 variety to evaluate planting date effect and picking time on cotton-seed quality properties (seed volume, seed density, immaturity, inhibition rate%, germination rate%, cleanness%, impurities% and agricultural values), cotton-seed chemical contents (oil%, protein%, nitrogen%, carbohydrates% and moisture%), yield and its components (opened number boll/plant, boll weight, seed index, lint% and yield/k/f) and fiber quality properties (fiber length, uniformity index, micronaire reading and fiber strength). Experimental was split-plot design by three replications, main plots were planting date (early and late) and subplots were picking time (first and second). Results revealed that, early planting and picking time effected significantly on cotton-seed quality properties, cotton-seed chemical contents, yield, its components, and fiber quality properties in tested-seasons, which early planting date treatment with first picking gave best values in tested-seasons compared to other treatments that relative to allow plants to normal physiological phase shifting and healthy development that led to harvest in suitable time of field environmental conditions (temperature and humid) then, due to ensure high quantity and quality of cotton-seed. This study recommends that, using cotton-seeds from 1st picking for early planting date as planting cotton-seeds in following seasons for gave highest seed-quality, germination%, growth, and improve productivity of cotton-yield.