Six – populations i.e., P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1 and BC2 were used in order to assess the nature of gene effects for six traits in three bread wheat crosses. Generation were grown in a field experiment at Sers- El-laian Agricultural Research station, A.R.C. during three successive seasons .
Significant useful heterosis in a positive direction was detected for number of kernels/spike and 100-kernel weight in the three crosses, spike weight in the first and second crosses. Highly significant negative inbreeding depression was obtained for number of spikes/plant in three crosses, spike length and number of kernels/spike in the third cross one and grain yield/plant in the first and second crosses.
Over - dominance towards the higher parent were detected for; number of spikes/plant, spike length and number of kernels/spike in the first and second crosses, 100-kernel weight in the three crosses and grain yield/plant in the second cross.
Significant E1 and E2 were detected for most studied traits. Additive gene effects were significantly exhibited in all studied traits except for; number of spikes/plant, spike length and grain yield/plant in the first cross one and 100-kernel weight in the first and second crosses.
Both dominance and epistasis were found to be significant for most of the attributes under investigations.
Heritability estimates in broad sense were high to moderate in magnitude with values between 93.98 for grain yield/plant to 44.99 for 100-kernel weight . High to moderate values of heritability estimates were found to be associated with high to moderate genetic advance as percentage of F2 main in most cases.