Growth of tomato plants cv. Castel–Rock grown in winter season under open field conditions during 2004/05 and 2005/06 growing seasons was positively affected by application of boron and zinc each at 50 & 100 ppm, calcium and phosphorus at 250 and 500 ppm for each . Since, significant increase of stem length , number of branches and leaves /plant, total leaf area, fresh and dry weights of both stems and leaves was existed. However, a significant reduction in the assimilation rate was obtained with all applied treatments .
The two applied concentrations of each elements parally increased photosynthetic pigments, minerals (N, P, K,Ca and Mg), sugars, carbohydrates and protein concentrations in leaves when compared with those of untreated plants .
The obtained vigorous growth of tomato with different applied treatments was accompanied by an obvious alteration in many anatomical features of leaves. Here, all applied treatments increased lamina thickness and its comprising tissues, i.e., upper and lower epidermis, palisade and spongy tissues. Besides, thickness of midrib, dimensions of vascular bundle and thickness of phloem and xylem tissues were also increased.
Moreover, the applied element treatments caused earliness of flower anthesis and also increased the number of flowers, percentage of fruit setting, number and weight of fruits /plant. The highest total fruit yield was obtained with Ca at 500 ppm followed by Zn at 100 ppm then B at 100 ppm and Pat 5s00 ppm, respectively. Meanwhile, chemical composition as minerals, sugars, carbohydrates, vitamin C and total soluble solids in tomato fruits were also increased. Therefore, the present study strongly recommend the use of such nutrient elements not only to improve growth but also to increase earliness and total tomato production specially in winter season to avoide all cautions about inserting greenhouses in agricultural system.