Application of garlic extract (GE) at 100&200ml/l, salicylic acid (SA) at 100&200 ppm and paclobutrazol (PP333) at 10&20 ppm as soaking treatments for faba bean seeds before sowing during 2004/05 and 2005/06 seasons, significantly enhanced many of the vegetative growth characters as plant height, No. of branches, No. of leaves, dry weight of both stems and leaves and total leaf area/plant. Yet, significant reduction in the plant height existed only with PP333 at its two applied concentrations. Besides, all applied treatments obviously increased photosynthetic pigments, NPK, crude protein and total sugars concentrations in the leaves of treated plants at 75 days after sowing. In addition, different applied treatments positively altered many anatomical features of stems and leaflet blade of treated plants. Since, all applied treatments caused an obvious increase in the thickness of stem wall and its comprising tissues as epidermis, cortex and parenchymatous pith as well as thickness of midrib, lamina, upper and lower epidermis, palisade and spongy tissues in leaves. Also, dimensions of vascular bundles, thickness of phloem and xylem tissues and number of xylem vessels/bundle were increased in both stems and leaves of treated plants. Moreover, with the onset of flowering, different applied seed-soaking treatments significantly increased number of formed flowers and setted pods/plants, whereas reduced the percentages of flowers and pods shedding, in turn significantly increased number of mature (yielded) pods and the final seed yield comparing with those of untreated plants. Furthermore, concentrations of NPK, crude protein, sugars and total carbohydrates in the seeds were also increased as affected by the applied treatments. Hence, it could be recommended the applying of GE, SA and PP333 as seed-soaking treatments for reducing the abscission of flowers and pods in faba bean plants which consequently reflect upon obvious increase in the final seed yield.