Two field experiments were conducted at Qalapshoo Agricultural Experimental Research Station, which belong to Bilqas District-Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt during the two growing seasons of 2004 /2005 and 2005 /2006 in sandy soil. The objectives of this study was conducted to study the effect of three organic matter (farmyard manure, compost and town refuse) in addition to clay at three rates (7, 14 and 21 t/ha.).
The most important results revealed that addition of organic matter forms had a significant effect on most characteristics in both seasons. Addition the clay significantly increased fruiting zone length in the first season, technical stem length, fiber yields per plant and per hectare, fiber percentage, fiber length, number of seeds/plant and seed index in both seasons. Adding farmyard manure significantly increased fibers strength and fineness, number of capsules/plant, seed yields per plant as well as per hectare and percentage in both seasons. Town refuse application significantly increased straw yields per plant and per hectare, straw with capsules yield/ha. and number of seeds/capsule in both seasons. Increasing organic fertilizers rate from 7 up to 21 t/ha. significantly increased straw and straw with capsules yields/ha. in first season, technical stem length, straw yield/plant, fiber yields per plant and per hectare, fiber percentage, fiber length, fibers strength and fineness, number of seeds/plant and oil percentage in both seasons, number of capsules/plant and number of seeds/capsule in the second seasons, seed index , seed yields per plant as well as per hectare in the first season. The interactions between the two factors under study on yield and quality of flax variety Sakha 2 were significant in most characteristics in both seasons.