Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the morphological and molecular variations of grain quality among nineteen rice genotypes, planted during 2019 and 2020 seasons at Rice Research Department,Sakha,Kafrelsheikh, Field Crops Research Institute, Giza, Egypt. From the QTL maps, RM 190 and RM 314 are two SSR markers that have been developed. Based on morphological and molecular levels, there was a significant level of polymorphism. Using the RM190 primer, PCR amplification produced two distinct alleles.Both alleles had a base pair of 100-150. (bp). All tested rice varieties had two alleles A or B, except the Egyptian Yasmine and Giza 181. Rice cultivars with a low presence of allele ‘B' whose amylose content (AC) values were in intermediate-range also amplified allele ‘B' exceptionally. Allele ‘A' was present in all other intermediate and high AC rice cultivars. The pooled amylose categories were compared using the Mann-Whitney test to detect if there was a significant relationship between genotype produced by marker RM190 and AC values. As a consequence, RM190could significantly distinguish low AC rice cultivars from intermediate and high AC rice varieties. RM 314 was used to genotype the samples. The marker RM314 amplified two alleles with molecular size 118 and 124 respectively. The first allele (118) this allele could be used to detect the high and low GT but it was not effective for varieties with intermediate GT .