Two field experiments were performed in the experimental Farm, at Zankalon, Water Requirements Research Station, El-Sharkia Governorate, Water Management and Irrigation Systems Research Institute, National Water Research Center (NWRC), Egypt during two successive seasons at 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 to study the response of yield and yield attributes of some bread wheat varieties i.e., (Sakha 93 , Giza 168 and Gimmeiza 9) to irrigation levels ( 100% of field capacity , 80% of field capacity and 60% of field capacity) and seeding rates ( 60 , 70 and 80 Kg./feddan) under in old land conditions. The obtained results could be summarized as follows:
Increasing irrigation levels from I3 ( 60% of field capacity) to I1 ( 100% of field capacity) gives significant for plant height, number of grains/spike , number of spikes/m2, 1000 grain weight, grain yield/feddan and straw yield/feddan with in significant differences between I1( 100% of field capacity) and I2 (80% of field capacity). Increasing irrigation levels from I3 (60% of field capacity) to I1 (100% of field capacity) was in significantly affect for spike length, number of spikelets/spike and spike grain weight.
The cultivar Giza 168 gave taller plants followed by Gimmeiza 9, while Sakha 93 had shorter plants. The cultivar Gimmeiza 9 gave the longest spikes and much number of spikelets and grains /spike and number of spikes/m2 followed by Sakha 93 and Giza 168 cultivars Gimmeiza 9 and Sakha 93 cultivars. significantly surpassed Giza 168 for 1000-grain weight and grain yield/feddan. Meanwhile, Giza 168 significantly surpassed Sakha 93 and Gimmeiza 9 cultivars in straw yield/feddan. However significant was showing with increasing seeding rate for plant height, number of spikes/m2, and grain and straw yields/feddan with no significant differences between 60 to 70 Kg. /feddan in one side and from 70 to 80 Kg. /feddan for both grain and straw yield /feddan. However, the increasing seeding rate from 60 to 80 Kg. /feddan significantly increased plant height and number of spikes/m2. However, increasing seeding rates from 60 to 80 Kg./feddan decreased significantly, number of spikelets/spike, number of grains /spike and 1000-grain weight with no significant difference between 60 to 70 Kg./feddan. Raising seeding rates from 60 to 70 or 80 Kg./feddan did not significantly affect spike grain weight.
Grain yield (ardab/feddan) was positively and significantly correlated with each of plant height (0.598919*) and number of spikes/m2 (0.679488*). While the relation was positive and insignificant with each of spike length ( 0.212270 ) , number of spikelets/spike (0.448344) , number of grains/spike (0.268315) spike grain weight (0.539816),1000-grain weight(0.457077) and straw yield/feddan (0.331902).
Results of interactions between irrigation levels and varieties , between irrigation levels and seeding rates and between seeding rates and varieties recommended that Gimmeiza 9 cultivar. should be sown at irrigation levels I2 ( 80% 0f field capacity ) and at seeding rates of 80 Kg./feddan. While Giza 168 cultivar. should be sown at irrigation levels I2 (80% 0f field capacity) and at seeding rates of 70 Kg./feddan. However, Sakha 93 cultivar. should be sown at irrigation levels I1 (100% 0f field capacity) and at seeding rates of 70 Kg. /feddan.