Slow rusting resistance in 14 wheat cultivars against stem rust was studied in seedling stage under circumstances of conditioned greenhouse and in adult stage under the stress of field conditions. Inoculation was accomplished using two physiologic races of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Eriks & Henn. viz. no 11 and no. 15 in seedling stage and a mixture of races under field conditions. Slow rusting components i.e. number of pustules per cm2 of leaf area, number of erupted pustules/cm2, pustule size and colony size were taken into consideration in seedling stage, while rust severity and area under disease progressive curves were considered in adult stage. The reaction of cvs. in seedling resulted in the distinction of cvs. i.e. Giza 168, Sakha 93, Gemmeiza-9, Gemmeiza-7 and Sakha 202 since they were significantly differentiated from the rest of the tested cvs. The reverse was true, with cvs. such as Little Club, Sakha 8, Giza 160. The obtained results also indicated that race 11 was virulent to either of the tested cvs. However, race 15 was virulent to 10 ones.
The trend of cvs. response toward the disease tend to be similar to those observed in seedling, since cvs. viz. Giza 168, Gemmeiza-9 and Sakha 93 showed moderate resistance, Giza 164 showed moderate susceptibility against either of the physiologic races. The two cultivars i.e. Sakha 61 and Sakha 202 proved to have slow rusting since they ceased the disease progress at (5S) and exhibited the lowest area under disease progressive curves. From such perspective, it could be concluded that slow rusting phenomenon is closely related with fewer number of uredia/cm2, fewer erupted pustules/cm2, fewer colony size, fewer pustule size and longer latent period or incubation period at seedling and lower disease severity and lower AUDPC at adult stage. These data could serve as an effective tool in the field of breeding disease resistance in Egypt.