Sesame is an important crop for the production of oil especially in newly reclaimed lands of Egypt. A machine for pelleting the small and light sesame seeds was designed and constructed in a laboratory scale to change the shape and size of sesame seeds enlarging the seed by a pellet which more heavier, size and rounder to facilitate sowing sesame seeds by planters. Some of the most important operational parameters were investigated, whereas, rotating speed of the pelleting pan affected the physical pellet properties. Rotating speed of 30 rpm showed the greatest pellet weight, sphericity percentage and true density. Out of three different quantities (100, 250 and 500g) of seeds per run during pelleting process, 250 g showed maximum pellet axial dimensions, pellet volume and weight. Ratio between pelleting material added to the pan during run and seed quantity was considered, whereas, ratios of 5:1, 10:1 and 20:1 were investigated. Maximum pellet axial dimensions and maximum pellet sphericity percentage were obtained when a ratio of 20:1 was applied. The lowest adhesive material concentration (5 %) showed a distinguished pellet size, volume and weight when compared to higher concentration. On the other hand, small quantity of 50 mm3 adhesive solution per 500 g pelleting material gave maximum pellet volume and weight, however, the maximum quantity of (150 mm3/ 500 g pelleting material) gave the greatest sphericity percentage of 76.33%. Ratio of pelleting material components (pentonite / lime) showed that a ratio of 75% Pentonite: 25% lime gave maximum pellet dimensions, volume and weight, while a ratio of 0% Pentonite: 100% lime showed maximum sphericity percentage. Maximum contact stress and cutting strength decreased with increasing the geometric diameter of the pelleted seeds for all investigated parameters. Both germination and vigor percentages of pelleted seeds were decreased when compared with untreated seeds. Meanwhile, germination rate of pelleted seeds increased when compared with untreated seeds. Therefore, germination and vigor of high quality sesame seeds did not enhanced by pelleting process, while rate of germination remarkably increased when seeds were pelleted perior planting. Pellet dimensions, volume and sphericity are the major variables had a remarkable relation with germination and vigor percentages.