Heterosis, gene action, combining ability (GCA and SCA) effects and variances were studied in 21 F1 and F2 crosses derived from 7x7 half diallel scheme of field bean. To detect prospective and efficient material for immediate use in breeding programs to enhance field bean productivity. F1 and F2 with parents were arranged in RCBD with 3 replicates to evaluate seed yield and its components traits in 2018/2019 season. Mean squares (MS) for genotype and its partitioning (parent, crosses and parent vs crosses) were significant for all studied traits in both generations. P1xP5 and P3xP6 exhibited significant heterotic effect for seed yield plant-1 in F1 and F2 generations. Significant GCA and SCA MS were found for all studied traits, where proportion of additive was great for most traits in both generations, reveling predominance of additive gene effects. P2 (Sakha 2), P5 (M-13), P7 (M-1017) in F1 and P6 (M-148) in F2 were good combiners for seed yield and at least one of its components. More than 25 % of studied crosses showed positive and significant SCA effects for seed yield in F1 and F2 generations. The cross P1xP5 showed desirable SCA effects in both generation for seed yield and resistance to chocolate spot disease%. Significant and larger values of dominance component (H1) than additive were obtained for all studied traits resulting in more values of (H1/D)0.5 which were exceeded unity in both generations. Low narrow-sense heritability was exhibited in both generations for all traits, indicating that presence of non-additive genetic effects.