Production of grain legumes is limiting by the usual array of pathogenic that affect plants. The present study was conducted during 2005/06, 2006/07 and 2007/08 seasons at Sakha Agricultural Research Station (SARS). A quantitative analysis were done by using six generations mating design between five faba bean parental genotypes namely; Rena Mora, Sakha1, Giza 3, Sakha 2 and T.W to produces three crosses namely; Rena Mora x Sakha1, Giza 3 x Rena Mora and Sakha 2 x T.W. The parental genotypes could be arranged in to three groups. The first group included; Rena Mora, Sakha 1 and Sakha 2 where it is considered as the most resistant group to chocolate spot and high yielding ability. The second group included Giza 3 which is moderate resistant to chocolate spot and the third group include T.W as susceptible genotypes with low yielding potentiality. The data revealed that, the parental genotypes and their crosses had the highest value of variation according to relation to chocolate spot reaction and maturity date. Heterosis over mid and better parent for all traits were highly significant except chocolate spot reaction in the two crosses; (Rena Mora x Sakha1) and (Sakha 2 x T.W.) relative to mid parents. And also, for no. of pods/plant in the cross; (Rena Mora x Sakha1) relative to better parent. Potence ratios were exceeded unity for most traits indicating over dominance. On the other hand, the values of this parameter were less than unity in the cross; (Sakha 2 x T.W.) for maturity date, no. of branches/plant, seed yield/plant(g), 100 seed weight and chocolate spot reaction, indicating partial dominance. The inbreeding depression estimates were highly positively significant for no. of pods/plant, no. of seeds/plant and seed yield/ plant(g) in the two crosses (Rena Mora x Sakha1) and (Giza 3 x Rena Mora). The additive type (a) was significant positive or negative values in all of crosses for all traits except in the cross; (Rena Mora x Sakha 1). For dominance effect (d) it was and higher in magnitude than that of additive type of gene effects. The additive x additive gene effect was highly positive significant in most crosses except in the cross; (Rena Mora x Sakha 1) for no. of branches/plant. However, highly significant positive epistatic gene action (ad) was observed in the first cross; (Rena Mora x Sakha 1) for no. of branches/plant, no. of pods/plant, no. of seeds/plant and chocolate spot reaction. Heritability values in broad-sense were generally higher than the corresponding values in narrow-sense in all crosses for all traits. The additive genes seems to play an important role of the inheritance of maturity date, no. of branches/plant, no. of pods/plant and chocolate spot reaction in the cross; Rena Mora x Sakha1, where the differences between broad and narrow-sense heritability were closest. The indirect selection in the progeny of the crosses; Rena Mora x Sakha 1 and Giza 3 x Rena Mora and direct selection in the progeny of the cross (Sakha 2 x T.W.) would be fruitful due to the high values of narrow-sense heritability and the prediction genetic advance in these cases. The fingerprinted by SDS-PAGE of water-soluble proteins were performed in two crosses. The results reveled that bands number 2, with MWs 192KDa. was found only in cross Giza 3 x Rena Mora and also exist in the parental genotypes Giza 3 and could be considered as specific bands (positive markers) for these cross. These results support the validity of seed protein electrophoresis as a powerful tool for cultivar identification, clarifying taxonomic and evolutionary problems and studying genetic diversity of Vicia faba.