Two field experiments were conducted at the Research and Experimental Station Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University at Shalakan, Kalubia Governorate, Egypt, during 2006 and 2007 growing seasons to study the response of three cultivars (Toshka, Shandawel-3 and Shansawel-4) of sesame yield and the associated weeds to four weed management practices (adding false irrigation followed by light hoeing with either two hoeing {W1} or without hoeing {W2} as well as without adding false irrigation with either two hoeing {W3} or without hoeing {W4}), and two sowing methods (drilling seeds in ridges or in rows). Data revealed that W1 or W2 exceeded W3 or W4 for reducing dry weights of broadleaf and total weeds at 3 WAS. Moreover, W1 recorded the lowest dry weight values of broad leaf and total weeds (at 6 and 12 WAS) and grassy weeds (at 12 WAS), while W3 gave the minimal dry weight of grassy weeds (at 6 WAS). W1 was the best practice for enhancing plant height, capsules number and weight/plant, seeds weight/plant, weight of 1000 seeds, oil % as well as biological, seed and oil yields/fed.
Broad leaf and total weeds (at 12 WAS) showed the minimal dry weight when sesame plants were grown in ridges than in rows. While, sowing methods had no significant effect on sesame yield and its components as well as oil % and yield/fed.
At 12 WAS, Shandawel-3 along with Shandawel-4 was less infested with grassy and total weeds recording the minimum dry weight values. Shandawel-3 was the potent cultivar for producing the highest values of plant height, capsules and seeds weight/plant as well as biological, seed and oil yields/fed.
W1 x ridges x Shandawel-3 combination possessed the least dry weight at all stages, and recorded the highest values of seeds weight/plant, seed yield and oil yield/fed.
Seed yield of the three tested cultivars, i.e. Toshka, Shandawel-3 and Shandawel-4 was correlated negatively and highly significant with dry weight of total weeds (at 6 and 12 WAS). Plant height, capsules number and weight/plant and seeds weight/plant of the three cultivars were correlated positively and highly significant with seed yield.
Finally, it could be recommended that the combination of false irrigation followed by light hoeing and accompanied with hoeing twice at 25 and 45 days from sowing of sesame c.v. Shandawel-3 that was sown in ridges is the best practice for weed suppression and higher yield potentiality.