This investigation was conducted for two successive seasons (2007 & 2008) in a private vineyard located at El-Khatatba, Menoufiya governorate; to study the influence of effective micro-organisms, seaweed extract and amino acids application on growth, yield and bunch quality of Red Globe grapevines. The chosen vines were eight-year-old, grown in a sandy loam soil, spaced at 2 X 3 meters apart and irrigated by the drip irrigation system, cane-pruned and trellised by Spanish Parron system. Two rates of the conducted treatments were applied through soil drenching: effective micro-organisms (EM) at 10 or 20 cm/vine; seaweed extract (Gifert) at 10 or 20 cm/vine and amino acids (Pepton) at 0.5 or 1.0 g/vine at three dates: the 1st date after bud burst stage, the 2nd date after fruit set stage, and the 3rd one at veraison stage.
Nine treatments were applied as follows:- Control (untreated vines); EM (10 cm/vine) (EM1); EM (20 cm/vine) (EM2); Gifert (10 cm/vine) (G1); Gifert (20 cm/vine) (G2); Pepton (0.5 g/vine) (P1); Pepton (1.0 g/vine) (P2);EM1 + G1 + P1 and EM2 + G2+ P2.
The results showed that the combined application of EM, Gifert and Pepton at the higher rate gave the best results in comparison with control followed by the lower rate of the same combined products. This treatment resulted in the best yield and its components as well as the best physical characteristics of bunches, improved physical and chemical characteristics of berries and ensured the best vegetative growth parameters. Total chlorophyll and percentages of total amino acids, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the leaves and total carbohydrates in the canes were increased. With respect to microbiological activity in the rhizosphere, it was noticed that total spore forming; the populations of total microorganism; dehydrogenase and phosphatase enzymes activity increased in the rhizosphere as a result of the combined application of EM, Gifert and Pepton at the higher rate. On the other hand, control was found to record the minimum values of these characters.
The economical study indicated that the combined application of EM, Gifert and Pepton at the higher rate on Red Globe grapevines gave the highest net income as compared to the control.