The field trial was conducted at El-Serw Agricultural Experiments and Research Station, A.R.C., Damietta Governorate, during 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons to study the effect of intercropping faba bean plant densities (33.3, 25.0 and 16.7%) with three sugar beet varieties namely; Glorius (Z), Lilly (N) and Cleopatra (E). The study was performed to optimize yield and quality of sugar beet and seed yield of faba bean, maximize land usage and raise farmer's income. Split-plot design with three replications was used. Results showed that sugar beet varieties significantly differed in yield and its attributes as well as sucrose % in both seasons, except root length in the first season and sugar yield fed-1 in both seasons. Cleopatra variety had the highest values of all the studied traits compared to the other sugar beet varieties, except sugar yield fed-1 and sucrose %. Intercropping faba bean with sugar beet at low plant density 16.7% significantly increased yield and its attributes for sugar beet, and vice versa for sucrose % in both seasons. The interaction between sugar beet varieties and faba bean plant densities significantly affected leaf area index (LAI), root diameter, root and sugar yields fed-1 and sucrose % in both seasons and other traits significantly affected in one season. Intercropping faba bean with Glorius variety had the highest yield and its attributes of faba bean comparison to those intercropping with other varieties in both seasons. Yield attributes of faba bean significantly increased by decreasing faba bean plant density from 33.33 to 16.7%, while the converse was hold true for plant height and seed yield fed-1 in both seasons. All studied traits of faba bean were not affected significantly by the interaction between sugar beet varieties and plant densities of faba bean in both seasons, except plant height in second season. The total land equivalent ratio (LER) and relative crowding coefficient (RCC) values were greater than one in all the studied treatments providing advantages of intercropping faba bean with sugar beet has advantages. Faba bean was dominant crop. Intercropping faba bean plants at 25% plant density with Glorius variety had the highest LER (1.29 and 1.33) and MAI (3449 and 4267) in both seasons.