The effects of NP fertilization at four rates (60 kg N + 15.5 kg P2O5, 60 kg N + 31.0 kg P2O5, 120 kg N + 15.5 kg P2O5 and 120 kg N +31.0 kg P2O5/fad) on productivity of five maize hybrids : four Hungarian hybrids namely, KESKUN 4244 (FAO* 200), KESKUN 4344 (FAO300), KESKUN 4444 (FAO 400) and KESKUN 4515 (FAO 500) and one Egyptian hybrid i.e. SC10 under Egyptian sandy soil conditions were studied at the farm of the International Company for Agricultural Development (ICAD) on Cairo-Alexandria desert road (92 km from Cairo) during summer seasons of 2005 and 2006.
The obtained results indicate highly significant differences among the tested maize hybrids in all studied yield characteristics either in both growing seasons or in the combined analysis. Compared with the other two maize hybrids, each of KESKUN 4444, KESKUN 4515 and SC10 produced the highest grain yield/ fad and this could be attributed to the superiority of KESKUN 4444 in each of ear length, number of rows/ ear, 100-grain weight and grain yield per day (gm /plant); the superiority of KESKUN 4515 in each of number of rows/ ear, number of grains /ear, 100- grain weight and shelling percentage and the superiority of SC10 in each of ear length, number of grains / ear, 100- grain weight and shelling percentage. As expected, data indicated that Egyptian hybrid SC10 gave the highest number of days to maturity followed by KESKUN 4515, 4444, 4344 and 4244 in a descending order.
Maize plants fertilized with 120 kg N + 31.0 kg P2O5/fad produced longest ears, highest number of grains /ear and highest grain yield gm/day/plant. Adding 120 kg N + 15.5 kg P2O5/fad significantly increased number of rows /ear, number of grains/row, 100-grain weight, grain yield/fad and number of days to maturity. However, shelling percentage was the highest when 60 kg N + 31.0 kg P2O5/fad was added.