The present investigation was carried out at South Valley University Experimental Farm during the two summer seasons of 2007 and 2008 using 8×8 half diallel cross. The objectives of this investigation were two study combining ability and heterosis of okra. Highly significant differences were found among parents and their F1 hybrids for all the studied traits. Both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining (SCA) variance were highly significant for all the studied traits. The mean squares for GCA were greater in magnitude than SCA value. Among parents, Balady and Pusa Sewani cvs. were the best combiner for total green fruit yield, number of branches, diameter at mid-green fruit fruit length and plant height traits; Iraqi and White Velvet cvs. for days to 50% flowering, White Velvet cv. for weight of green fruit; Pusa Sewani for number of green fruit. However, in specific combining ability study, the cross (Escandrany x Iraqi) and (White Velvet x Pusa Sewani) were the best for total green fruit yield, number of fruits/plant, number of branches/plant and plant height; (Escandrany x Pusa Sewani) and (Escandrany x Dot) for weight fruit and total green fruit yield, number of green fruit and number of branches; (Clemson Spineless x Iraqi), (Balady x Escandrany) and (Pusa Sewani x Iraqi) for days to 50% flowering, diameter at mid-green fruit and weight of green fruit. Heterosis over mid-parent was found for total green fruit yield and its components.