Bartamuda cv showed higher values of endogenous auxins; GA and cytokinin and lower values of ABA and phenols compared with Sakkoty cv overall the developmental stages. The reverse was true in Sakkoty cv which showed high values of endogenous ABA and total phenols and lower values of endogenous IAA, GA and cytokinin at all developmental stages.
The heighest values of endogenous auxins and GA was found at the initial explant used followed by a gradual decrease with advancement in the growth stage; from callus up to the embryogenic and thereafter increased again at plantlet stage. The reverse was true with cytokinin. It showed an increase throught callus and embryogenic callus stage and thereafter decreased. Cytokinine showed highest values at the embryogenic callus stage. Similarly, ABA and total phenols were increased, but only during callus stage maintained a relatively high level, with lower cytokinin level, and thereafter decreased up to embryogenic callus stage over all the genotype used. However, at plantlet stage they were reincreased again to reached over to its level at the initial explant used.
The interaction treatments show that, Bartamuda cv produced highest valus of endogenous auxins, GA, and cytokinins in the shoot tip explant while Sakkoty cv gave the lowest values at the embryogenic callus stage. ABA showed highest values at the callus stage in the two plant cv(s) followed by plantlet, Callus growth, development and differentiation, and somatic embryonic callus formation (maturation) respectively.
Total alkaloids, flavonoids, carotenoids and steroids, were increased whereas total terpenes, glycoside, saponins and tannins were decreased with advancement in age throughout the differentiation stages from gommar explant up to the embryogenic stages overall the genotypes used. At plantlet stage, alkaloids, flavonoids, carotenoids and steroids tended to decrease but still higher than the corresponding explant stage. However, plantlet stage showed values more than that in the initial explant.
Overall the developmental stages, it was found that, Bartamuda cv has higher values of the relative percentages of alkaloid, cartenoids, and terpens compared with Sakkoty cv. However Sakkoty cv generally, accumulated more steroids, tepens, glycosides, saponins, flavonoids and tanines,.
The interaction treatments showed that embryonic stage in the two cv(s) showed higher values of steroids, alkaloids, flavonoids, and carotenoids. The lowest values of these substances were recorded in the initial explant used. Moreover, at plantlet stage, in the two cv(s), it was found that, total terpens, glycosides, saponins, and tannins were found to be higher than that corresponding to the values recorded at the embryogenic callus stage which showed lowest values in this respect.