Wheat crop production and improvement under unfavorable conditions is the main target for crop growers, breeders and investigators. Sandy and Calcareous soils in dry land areas are marginal for crops production in general. Two field experiments were conducted during 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 at Nubaira region, Al-Behera Governorate. To evaluate the effect of organic matter i.e. farmyard manure (FY) and fly ash or filter mud (FA) in different rates and ratios compared with chemical fertilizers recommended on yield, mineral content and grain quality of wheat Gemaza 9 cultivar under sandy and calcareous soils conditions.
Statistical analysis of the data indicated that all studied characters were significantly affected by different soil types. The highest values of grain, straw, biological yields and the content from N, P and K elements were resulted from planting under sandy soil conditions as compared to calcareous soil.
The results showed that there were significant differences among the fertilizer treatments for all studied wheat characters. Applying of organic manure and fly ash (filter mud) at the rate of 1% with ratio 2:1 produced the highest values of grain yield compared with chemical fertilizers. Also, the highest values of N uptake and protein % were obtained from 2% FY: FA with ratio 2:1 compared with control treatment.
The interaction between soil type and organic residue had a significant effect on all studied characters. Adding FY combined with FA with ratio (1:1) at the rate of 1% produced the highest values of grain yield, crop index and harvest index in sandy soil. It is recommended that application of the FY and FA not only recommended as a fertilizer but also as a soil conditioner to enhance yield of wheat in sandy and calcareous soils. Different levels of farmyard manure and fly ash positively influenced the physico-chemical properties of soil and improved yield of wheat crop in response to its favorable effects on the soil characteristics.
Generally, it can be concluded from this study that highest values of grain and straw yields, nutrient uptake and quality of grains could be achieved from wheat cultivar Gemaza 9 by addition the amendments of farmyard manure and fly ash as organic residues into newly reclaimed soils of Egypt as sandy and calcareous soils. Also, it is suggested that the recycling of organic materials from the agricultural usage as an organic-matter resource is recommended alternative to chemical fertilization in Egypt. In addition, the long-term applications of organic residue and/or manure have the most beneficial effects on grain yield and soil quality among the investigated types of fertilization.