Two field experiments were conducted at El-Gemmeiza Res. Station. Gharbia Governorate Agric. Res. Center during the two successive seasons of 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 to study the effect of micro-nutrients (Mn, Zn, Fe, Cu and B) foliar spraying and soil application and N levels (30 and 45 Kg/Fed) on seed and straw yield, yield components, quality characters and chemical composition of flax plants.
Results obtained can be summarized as follows:-
1- Regarding chemical contents at 90 days after sowing date the results indicating that soil or foliar application of Fe, Cu and B significantly increased N and P uptake from soil and increased their content in flax plants. In addition, Mn applications had significant influence at increasing K content in the treated plants.
2- Concerning micro-nutrients foliar application; results clearly showed that Mn, Zn, Cu and Fe significantly increased Zn content in flax plants at 90 days after sowing. Soil or foliar application (Mn, Zn, Cu and Fe) had increased Mn content in flax plants aged 90 days.
3- Results showed that Zn application was more effective on increasing plant height, technical stem length and straw and fiber yield. Foliar application of B, Cu, Mn and Zn increased seed yield / fad while B foliar application recorded the lowest oil percentage.
4- With respect of quality characters; results indicated that B applications gave the highest fineness which was not significantly affected by the other treatments.