This study was conducted during 2006 and 2007 seasons in Nubaria Horticulture Research Station, North Tahreer region, Beheira province, Egypt to assay the impact of some sources of nitrogen (N) fertilizers (experimental factor A), the field addition rates (experimental factor B) and the field application treatments (interaction among the experimental factor levels "ab") on the yield traits and fruit quality characteristics of "Zaghloul" date palm cultivar and the influence on some properties of calcareous soil and its fertility. Factor (A) types were (a1) mineral nitrogen (MN), (a2) animal manure (AM), (a3) poultry manure (PM), (a4) compost (C) and (a5) mixture of MN, AM, PM, and C in 1: 1:1:1 ratio. Factor (B) levels were 0.0, 500, 1000 and 2000 g N/ palm/ year for (b1), (b2), (b3) and (b4), respectively. The interaction among their levels was represented as field experimental treatments. Data were obtained and statistically analyzed in the end of the both seasons for yield & fruits characteristics and in the end second season for soil properties. The results cleared that the studied yield traits; most fruit physical & chemical characteristics except fruit diameter in two study seasons and soluble tannin percentage in the 1st season were statistically affected; likewise, most of soil properties except soil acidity (soil pH) were statistically affected by both experimental factors and the interaction among their levels.
The mineral fertilizer type (a1) level leads to the significant highest palm yield, bunch weight, fruit weight and longest fruit length. On the other side, organic fertilizer types (a2), (a3) and (a4) levels lead to the significant highest values of dry matter percentage , TSS percentage, total sugars percentage and total protein percentage; beside the significant lowest values of fruit juice acidity percentage were obtained in two study seasons. And the lowest significant value of soluble tannins percentage in the 2nd season.
Field addition rate 2000 g N/ palm/ year (b4) level leads to the significant highest palm yield, highest bunch weight, heaviest fruit weight, longest fruit length and the best values of both of dry matter percentage, TSS percentage, total sugars percentage, total protein percentage and fruit juice acidity percentage in both two seasons.
Field application treatment (a1b4) leads to the significant highest palm yield, highest bunch weight and heaviest fruit in two study seasons. On the other hand, the (a4 b4) field application treatment leads to the significant best values of dry matter percentage and fruit juice acidity percentage traits. Also, (a4 b4) treatment leads to significant best values of TSS percentage, total sugars percentage and total protein percentage traits in two seasons. Likewise, this treatment leads to significant best value of soluble tannins percentage (lowest value) in the 2nd season.
Concerning the soil properties, the organic fertilizer type (a4) level leads to the significant highest values of soil total nitrogen (T-N), available phosphorus (Av-P), organic matter (OM), soil cation exchangeable capacity (CEC) and soil bulk density (Db). Field addition rate 1000 g N/ palm/ year (B3) level leads to the significant highest of T-N, Av-P, OM, CEC, & Db. Field application treatment (a4b3) leads to the significant highest & best value of T- N, Av- P, OM and Db. On the other hand, the (a5b2) leads to the significant best value of soil CEC in the end of second season.