Two field trails were carried out at El-Mattana Agricultural Research Station (Luxor Governorate) to study the performance of sugarcane G.84-47 variety grown as plant cane in 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 seasons and the 1st ratoon crops in 2009/2010 under two seed rates of 1.5 and 2.0 rows of cane cuttings (12600 and 16800) of three-budded cane cuttings, i.e. 37800 and 50400 buds/fed and three nitrogen fertilization levels of 150, 180 and 210 kg/fed, respectively. A split plot experimental design with four replications was used, where the main plots were assigned for seed rates while nitrogen levels were distributed in the sub plots.
The results showed that, seed rates differed significantly, where 50400 buds/fed recorded the highest values of stalk height, sucrose%, purity%, sugar recovery%, millable cane/fed, cane and sugar yields/fed in the plant cane and 1st ratoon crop, respectively. While, seed rate 37800 buds/fed recorded the highest values of stalk diameter, brix% and impurities% in the plant cane and 1st ratoon crops.
Increasing nitrogen fertilizer level up to 210 kg N/fed given to G.84-47 recorded the highest values of stalk height, number of millable cane/m2 and cane yield, which increased sugar yield/fed. whereas, 180 kg N/fed recorded the highest mean values of stalk diameter, sucrose%, purity%, sugar recovery%.
The interaction between nitrogen levels 210 kg N/fed with 50400 buds/fed attained the highest mean values of cane and sugar yields (ton/fed) in the plant cane and 1st ratoon crop.
Under conditions of this work, adding 210 kg N/fed with seed rate 50400 buds/fed can be recommended to obtain the highest cane and sugar yields.