Attempts were made to find methods for distinguishing seeds of four wheat varieties (Sisd 12, Sids 13, Misr 1 and Misr 2) during 2009/2010 season. Methods such as phenolic acid, ammoncial silver nitrate and ninhydrin treatments, reputed in other crops to stain different seed cultivars with different colours were undertaken. Reaction to phenolic acid and some reagents, reputed to deal with tyrosinase enzyme were tested on grain. Other trials based on chromatography techniques were undertaken. It was found that the quickest method which produced distinct differences in colour was when seeds were set on seed test paper moistened with water and exposed to phenol vapour for different concentrations and different hours, and the colour of spots were then recorded. In another treatment seed sample was placed on seed testing paper moistened with water and then exposed to ammonical silver nitrate reagent. The spots formed by Misr 1 and sids 12 seeds became yellow and seeds of Sids 13 and Misr 2 became orange yellow. Moreover, the ninhydrin test gave the best violet spots by seed of Sids 13 and Misr 2 and light violet spots by seeds of Misr 1, whereas gave the negative reaction by seeds of Sids 12. Qualitative measure standards should be further investigated based on the present findings. It could be concluded that this tests are used for discrimination among genotypes of cereal crops such as wheat, barley and rice.