Two field experiments were performed at the Experimental Station, Faculty of Agriculture, MansouraUniversity, during the two successive summer seasons of 2010 and 2011. The main objective of this study was maximizing maize hybrid S.C. 128 productivity through determining optimum nitrogen fertilizer level and foliar spraying with growth promoters treatment. A strip plot design with four replicates was used. The obvious results of this investigation can be summarized as follows:
Application nitrogen fertilization at the level of 130 kg N/fed significantly exceeded other studied levels (90 and 110 kg N/fed) in growth parameters, yield attributes, grain yield and protein percentage in grains in both seasons.
Foliar spraying maize plants with Aminototal after 25 and 35 DFS resulted in the highest values of studied growth characters and protein % in grains in both seasons. However, foliar spraying with Melagrow after 25 + 35 days from sowing gave the highest values of number of ears/plant, ear length and diameter, ear weight, number of rows/ear, number of grains/row, ear grains weight, 100-grain weight and grain yield/fed in both seasons. Foliar spraying with Aminototal after 25 + 35 DFS came in the second rank after foliar spraying with Melagrow without significant differences between them in both seasons.
Generally, it can be concluded that according to the obtained results from this study, mineral fertilizing maize plants hybrid S.C. 128 with 130 kg N/fed and foliar spraying with Melagrow or Aminototal twice after 25 and 35 days from sowing in order to maximizing its growth and productivity under the environmental conditions of El-Mansoura district, Dakahlia Governorate.