The present investigation was carried out at the Farm of El-Gemiza Agricultural Research Station, during 2011 and 2012 summer seasons. Combining ability analysis was estimated in rice through a 6 x 6 diallel set analysis involving 6 diverse parents for root, grain yield and its related characters. Mean square values of parents and crosses were found to be highly significant for all characters except parents for panicle length and root fresh weight of parents were significant. Parents Vs crosses mean squares were highly significant for all yield and its related and root characters. Both general and specific combining ability variance were found to be highly significant for all characters, indicating the importance of both additive and non-additive genetic variance in determining the performance of these twelve characters. GCA/SCA ratios were found to be greater than unity for all characters studied except for panicle length, number of filled grains/panicle and 100-grain weight as well as root/shoot% indicating that the additive and additive x additive types of gene action were great importance in the inheritance of all the studied characters except for these four mentioned traits which has been controlled by non-additive genetic variance. The genotypes Sakha 104, Sakha106, Giza178 and Cica 4 were good general combiners for most of all studied characters. Cross combinations involving for such parents were superior for most of all studied characters. The promising combinations for grain yield along with at least two of yield component characters were Sakha 104 X BG-357-4, Sakha 104 X Hixe 5, Sakha 106 X Hixe 5 and Giza178 X BG-357-4. Eight crosses Sakha106 X Hixe 5, Sakha104 X Giza178, Sakha106 X BG-357-4, Sakha104 X Cica 4, Giza178 X BG-357-4, Sakha104 X BG-357-4, Sakha106 X Giza178 and BG-357-4 X Hixe 5 showed highly significant and positive SCA for root length. While three crosses Sakha 104 X Sakha106, Sakha 104 X Hixe 5 and BG-53-2 X Hixe 5 showed highly significant or significant and positive for root volume. Also 7 crosses, Sakha106 X Hixe 5, Sakha104 X Giza178, Sakha106 X Cica4, Giza178 X Hixe 5, Giza178 X BG-357-4, Sakha106 X Giza178 and BG-357-4 showed highly significant and positive for root fresh weight. The best positive SCA for root/shoot % was recorded for Cica4 X Hixe 5, BG-357-4 X Hixe 5, Sakha104 X Giza178, Sakha104 X BG-357-4 and Sakha104 X Hixe 5. A greater magnitude of heterosis ranged between 3.83 and 13.08% was observed in fife crosses for grain yield /plant. The availability of sufficient hybrid vigor in several crosses in respect of grain yield suggests that a hybrid breeding program could profitably be undertaken in rice under water stress conditions. Highest crop water use efficiency 0.55 (kg / m3) was recorded from one m3 water irrigation in the parent of Sakha 106 and crosses Sakha104 X Sakha106, ( 0.56 (kg/m3), Sakha104 X Hixe 5 ( 0.55 kg/m3) and Sakha104 X Cica4 (0.55 kg/m3).
From the foregoing results, the parents Sakha106, Sakha104, Giza178, and Cica4, crosses Sakha 104 X Sakha106, Sakha 104 X Giza178, Sakha104 X Hixe 5 and Sakha 104 X Cica4 could be recommended for growing under drought conditions to obtain the highest rice grain yield and the highest value of saving water at the same time.