Two field experiments were conducted during 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 winter growing seasons in the Experimental Farm of Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University at Giza, Egypt. The aim of this investigation was to study the response of two wheat cultivars via, Sakha 69 and Gemmiza 10 to five fertilizer treatments (1) 100% NPK recommended dose, as a contro (2) 50% NPK + microbin, (3) 50% NPK + phosphorin, (4) 50% NPK + potassiomage, (5) 50% NPK + microbin + phosphorin + potassiomage .The recommended quantities of NPK fertilizer (R. Q. F.) which are ( 75 kg N/fed, 100 kg P2O5/fed and 24 kg K2O/fed). Data obtained clearly revealed that:
Varieties and bio chemical fertilizers had a significant effect on most of traits under study where Gemmiza 10 variety was superior in plant height, weight of 1000-grain, No. of tillers/m2, spike length, grains weight/spike, No. of grains/spike in both seasons and No. of spike/m2 and weight of spike (first season). Use of 50 % NKP + microbin + phosphorin + potassiomage was superior in plant height, 1000-grain weight, No. of tillers/m2, spike length, No. of grains/spike, weight of grains/spike, No. of spikes/m2, biological and grain yields /fed in both seasons and harvest index in only the first season.
The interaction between varieties and fertilizer treatments significantly affected most of characters. Gemmiza 10 with 50 % NPK + microbin + phosphorin potassiomage + was superior in plant height, spike length, No. of spikes/m2, No. of grains/spike and No. of tillers/m2. Use of 50 % NPK + potassiomage with Sakha 69 or Gemmaiza 10 gave the highest average of harvest index while use of 100 % NPK with Sakha 69 or Gemmiza 10 gave the highest in straw yield (first season). Use of 50 % NPK + microbin + phosphorin + potassiomage with Gemmiza 10 gave the highest averages of grain yield and biological yield/fed. The shoot and wheat grain contents from mainly N,P and K as well as total sugars, total free amino acids,proteins and total indols were also increased due to this mineral and biofertilization treatments in both wheat cultivars.