This work was conducted to investigate the effect of foliar sprays of kaolin and Calcium Carbonate (5%) on vegetative growth, blooming, fruiting aspects and characteristices, fruit physical and chemical contents of “Aggizi Shamy" and “Picual" olive cvs. throughout two successive seasons (2011and 2012 seasons). Trees were 15-year-old and planted at 6X6 m. apart in a sandy soil in a private orchard at AL-Khatatba, Minufiya Governorate. The study aims at improving growth and productivity of olive trees. Data revealed that kaoline on mid Jan. increased significantly the number of leaves of Aggezi Shamy in both seasons, whereas kaolin added on mid Dec., Jan, and Feb. gave the same effect on Picual cv. . As for the leaf area of Aggezi cv. was influenced significantly by kaolin on mid Feb. in both growing seasons, while as the same treatment on mid Dec. increased leaf area significantly in picual cv.. Concerning the internode length kaolin on mid Dec. gave the highest significant values compared to the control and other treatments in both cultivars in both seasons. Calcium carbonate in mid dec. and kaolin in mid Feb increased significantly the sex ratio values of both Aggezi and Piculal cvs. in both seasons, respectively. Kaolin in mid Dec. increased significantly number of fruit set (%), number of fruit per meter and yield (Kg/tree) of Aggezi and Picual cvs. in both seasons. Kaolin in mid Dec. gave the highest significant values in fruit length and width of Aggezi and Picual cvs. during the two growing seasons. Although fruit weight (g) of Picual cv. was affected significantly by kaolin on mid Feb. in both seasons, Aggezi cv. Affected by kaolin on mid Jan. and Kaolin in mid Feb in 2011 and 2012 seasons, respectively. As for flesh/fruit weight percentage, kaolin on mid Feb. surpassed other treatments in both cultivars.Calcium carbonate on mid Feb. increased oil percentage on dry weight basis of Aggezi cv. in both seasons, whereas the same treatment affected significantly Picual cv. during the second season only.