In order to check the efficiency of some of pre- and post- emergence herbicides for weed control in maize. Total 14 weed control treatments carried out during two season 2017 and 2018 Pre-emergence as :Metribuzin, Acetochlor, Atrazine, Acetochlor, Remusulfuron, Pendimethalinand and Post-emergence as: Foramsulfuron, Nicosulfuron, Flumetsulam, Clopyralid, Diuran, Nicosulfuron and hand hoeing twice and untreated (control) .The obtained results showed that the dominant species were as the annual summer weed were Setaria verticilata (15.09%), Corchorus olitorius (14.15%), Cenchrus ciliaris(9.43 %), Echinochloa colona (8.49 %) and the perennial species were Cynodon dactylon (11.32%) and Convolvulus arevensis (9.43%). For most maize yield components, the pre-emergence herbicides were superior to post-emergence herbicides during both seasons. The higher grain yield ardab/fed treatments were produced by using pre-emergence i.e. Acetochlor (24.7 and 25.4)., Atrazine (23.7 and 24.9), Metribuzin (22.2 and 23.3) and Pendimethalin (20.3 and 22.7) Acetochlor (17.8 and 22.8) and for, post-emergence were Nicosulfuron the highest (19.6 and 20.8) and hand hoeing twice at 3 and 6 week after sowing was (21.2 and 20.4) in both season respectively. The higher efficiency in controlling weeds compared to weedy check (control) treatment or other weed control treatments. Weed control treatment pre- and post- emergence herbicides and hoeing significantly improved grain yield in both season. It could be concluded that as pre-emergence herbicides Metribuzin, Acetochlor, Arazine, Acetochlor, Remusulfuron, Pendimethalin and Nicosulfuron as post-emergence under doses and environmental conditions and also hoeing twice improved grain yield and reduced number and fresh weight of weeds.