Two field experiments were carried out at Sakha Experimental Station, Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate during the two growing seasons, of 2012 and 2013 The effects ofsewage sludge (SS), poultry manure (PM), processed town refuse (PTR), mixture of SS and PM,recommended rates of NPK, mineral fertilizers (RMF) without or with gypsum, or sulphur, on the certain Botanical characteristics and yield of pea plants were studied. In addition, the residual effects on the yield and its components of sunflower plants were investigated. Remedial andamendments were incorporated into the plowing soil (0-15 cm) before planting pea plants.
The obtained data can be summarized as follows:
1-D.W and Seed index were markedly increased by increasing the biosolids application rate. The application of SS5 (without) agrochemicals, PM2 with gypsum and PM2 with sulphur produced the highest Dry weight.
2-Concentration of plastid pigments in the pea leaves were increased due to the application of (SS5) and sulphur . Addition of remedial with or without agrochemicals increased, N, P, K, Cu, Mn, Zn. Heavy metals, Cd, Pb and Ni contents of straw were also increased compared with the control but less than the toxic limits for these plants.
3-SS5, without; (SS+PM)3 and with gypsum and PM2 with sulphur increased seed yield if compared to control. The application of SS5 without agrochemicals, PM2 with gypsum and PM2 with sulphur produced the highest straw yield.
The residual effects due to remedial and amendments treatments showed that:-
4-Plant height; D.W were increased due to pre-incorporated (SS+PM)3. Similarly, stem and head diameter recorded, highest values by PM2 gypsum and sulphur in a descending order.
5-Plastid pigments Macro, Micro and Heavy metals, were also increased. The highest values plastid pigments were obtained in sulphur-sewage sludge pre-treated soils at the high levels. At the same time N, P and K content of different sunflower plants organs were higher in SS5, (SS+PM)3 and PM2 respectively, in soil than those obtained in low rate of organic manure treatments.
6-The highest seed oil yield was obtained due to (PM2 and SS3) without application.
It could be concluded that remedial and amendments, i.e, SS5, (without); PM2(with gypsum) and PM2 (with sulphur) have a significant influence on Botanical characteristics and yield of pea plants. Their residual effects extends to best botanical characteristics and yield of sunflower plantsunder the experimental condition.