Genetic diversity of quinoa around the world is narrow which may threaten the ability of breeders to improve and increase the crop yield. A field experiment was carried out at the experimental farm at Ras Sudr, South Sinai Governorate during growing season 2012/2013. Yield, its components and the genetic variation among five quinoa genotypes viz:Kvlsra 2, Kvlsra 3, Regalona, Q-37 and Q-52 were evaluated under Ras Sudr conditions. The results indicated that the genotype Q-37 followed by Regalona cultivar recorded the highest mean values for seed yield. The correlation for mean performances were positive and high significant among number of heads and each of heads yield, 1000- seed weight, seed yield and straw yield, such traits may be taken in account in quinoa breeding programs.
Biochemical and molecular markers were used to identify the level of polymorphism and to study the genetic relationships among the five quinoa genotypes. Seventeen polymorphic protein bands produced (59%) of polymorphism. Regalona cultivar and Q-37 revealed that highest number of protein unique bands which could be considered as marker for salinity tolerance. Five isozymes systems including POD, ACPH, β-EST, α-EST andADH revealed six polymorphic bands and produced moderate polymorphism (53%) and two unique bands for Q-37 as markers for salinity tolerance. Five RAPD primers produced fifteen polymorphic bands, and produced the highest polymorphism (66%). Q-37 genotype produced the highest number of unique bands as specific band for salinity tolerance. The dendrogram for the genetic relationships of the five quinoa genotypes based on overall markers separated them into two major groups. The first group included Q-37 genotype and Regalona cultivar and the second group were included Kvlsra 2, Kvlsra 3 and Q-52 genotypes.
From the previous results, a considerable level of variations were detected among five quinoa genotypes by biochemical and molecular markers which can help to select the most suitable genotypes Q-37 and Regalona cultivar for stress tolerance, good yield, presented considerable interest for the genetic studies, plant improvement and accepted by farmer to enter breeding programs and for reclamation salt affected lands. The mean squares for all traits were significant among the five quinoa genotypes.