Germination and seedling characters are affected with some factors such as kind, temperature, natural materials, growth regulators, etc. Four plants (Tomato, Eggplant, Cucumber and Cantaloupe) were used in an experiment which was carried out at a greenhouse in Talkha - Dakahlia Governorate during the period from 2012-2013 to study the effect of four supplements Humic acid (HA), Indol-3-buttyric acid (IBA), Lawsonia inerms L. (Lw) and dry Yeast (Y) when each was added to the soil media at a concentrations of 1.0 g/L, 2.5 g/L and 5.0 g/L for HA, Lw and Y but 0.05 g/L, 0.1 g/L and 0.15 g/L for IBA.
The results showed that HA with 1.0 g/L leads to a significant increase in germination percent to tomato, eggplant and cantaloupe in comparison to control group. While addition of Lw with 1.0 g/L to the cucumber seeds gives a significant result compared with the control results. During the estimation of germination velocity, a significant reduction in germination days was obtained with (1.0 g/L HA to tomato, 5.0 g/L HA to cucumber, 0.15 g/L IBA to eggplant and 5.0 g/L Y to cantaloupe). Seedling height measurement shows slight significant results with 1.0 g/L Y to cucumber seeds, 2.5 g/L to tomato seeds and 5.0 g/L to eggplant and cantaloupe.
Seedling leaf area reveals that 1.0 g/L Y to cucumber seeds, 5.0 g/L Y to eggplant seeds, 1.0 g/L Lw to tomato and cantaloupe shows increased results. Results showed also slight significant values of seedling hypocotoyl length with 0.05 g/L IBA to cantaloupe, cucumber and eggplant but 1.0 g/L HA to tomato. Seedling stem neck diameter showed significant increase results with 1.0 g/L of Lw to eggplant, cantaloupe and 2.5 g/L Y to cucumber and 5.0 g/L Y to tomato. A significant values of root fresh weight was obtained by adding 2.5 g/L Y to cucumber, 5.0 g/L Y to (tomato and eggplant( and 0.05 g/L IBA to cantaloupe. Noticed significant results was obtained during measuring shoot fresh weight with 1.0 g/L Lw to tomato and cantaloupe, 5.0 g/L Y to eggplant and 2.5 g/L Y to cucumber. Chlorophyll a estimation showed a significant result with adding 5.0 g/L HA to tomato, 0.15 g/L IBA to eggplant, 1.0 g/L Lw to cucumber and 1.0 g/L Y to cantaloupe. Chlorophyll b refers to a significant increase with 0.15 g/L IBA to tomato and cucumber, 5.0 g/L HA to eggplant and cantaloupe. Total Chlorophyll a and b indicates significance with 5.0 g/L HA to tomato, eggplant and cantaloupe but 1.0 g/L Lw to cucumber.
Generally; it could be concluded that, the effect of some supplements to the growth media of some vegetable transplants crops can improves its quality and characters.