During successive late summer seasons of 2007 to 2010, this study was conducted at Burg El-Arab area, West-Delta region, Egypt. A 7 x 7 half-diallel mating design was used to determine combining ability as well as top and standard heterosis for six characters in tomato. Preponderance of the non-additive gene action was evident in controlling number of branches, leaves per plant and total yield. While, the analysis of variance revealed the predominance of additive gene action for average fruit weight and fruit firmness. Top heterosis was noticed for number of branches, leaves and total yield, while appreciable amount of standard heterosis was detected for all traits studied. The promising hybrids “S.15 x RIG-10", “S.60 x S.2" and “S.106 x RIG.10" were selected on the basis of their performances and standard heterosis manifested in them. These three crosses could be used commercially to improve yield in tomato in Burg El-Arab, West-Delta region in Egypt as local hybrids. The hybrid breeding method and the actual high productivity which depended on standard heterosis amount can be used efficiently to improve yield in tomato by breeding local hybrids.