Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium, L.) is one of the most the important cut flower. The aim of this study to investigate the effect of some chemical preservative solutions to improve keeping quality ,enhancing water uptake, delaing leaf wilting and leaf yellowing and extending the shelf life period of cut chrysanthemum flowers .The flowers were held in the vase solution containing silver nitrate at 75ppm + citric acid at 150ppm + sucrose at 3%(T2) or silver nitrate at 75ppm + citric acid at 150ppm + sucrose at 5% (T3) was increased significant vase life (19.5 and 17.2 days, respectively), flower diameter, water uptake ,total soluble sugars % and reducing sugars in leaves , decreased chlorophyll "a" and ''b", pectin in flowers and leaves and reduced the number of bacteria in the vase solution to zero . Super blue green at1cm/L +Sucrose at 3 or 5% (T 6 &T7) increased vase life in 2nd season . On the other hand, benzyl adenine + citric acid + sucrose (T8, T9 , T10 & T11) treatments didnot enhance vase life and recorded the largest number of bacteria (1163×106) in vase solution. All holding vase solution treatments gradually increased flower diameter and decreased water uptake with extended shelf life periods. Concerning water balance in treatments T2 ; T3 ; T6 ; T 11 and Potassium Nitrate +150 ppm citric acid + sucrose ( T12 , T 13, T14 & T 15) had petter vase life with respect to water balance during the shelf life periods as compared with control and other holding solutions under study. All holding vase solutions recorded gradual decreases in total soluble sugars % in flowers with extending shelf life periods.. In most cases, reducing sugars% gradually increased up to 8th day then decreased after wards.