A laboratory experiment has been implemented to evaluate the influence of seed soaking in antioxidants solutions [Ascorbic (100 ppm) , α - tocopherol (100 ppm) , salicylic (100 ppm) and water as a control] on seed and seedlings vigor of rice Giza 177 cultivar during 2012 season. Also, field experiments were conducted to evaluate presowing treatments of previous antioxidants solutions and foliar spray treatments with [Ascorbic (200 ppm) ,α- tocopherol (200 ppm) , salicylic (200 ppm) and without foliar as a control] and their effect on emergence, growth and yield during 2011and 2012 seasons. The results indicated that soaking of rice seed with antioxidant ascorbic solution (100 ppm) increased seed and seedlings vigor as compared with traditional treatment of seed (soaking in water).Soaking rice seed in antioxidants solutions had a significant effect on number of plants /m2 and grain yield , while other characters of growth and yield did not affected. All of growth and yield characters under study significantly affected by foliar spray with antioxidants solutions. Foliar spray with ascorbic (200 ppm) gave the highest values of growth and yield characters compared with other treatments. Interaction between application antioxidants solutions as a soaking and as a foliar spray showed significant effect on number of plants /m2 and grain yield characters. Stepwise regression analysis demonstrated that field emergence % , seedling dry weight, plant height, number of plants/m2, panicle length, panicle weight, number of grains/panicle are significantly contributing variables to variation in grain yield . Positive and significant correlation coefficient were obtained between grain yield and field emergence %, number of plants/m2, panicle length (cm), panicle weight (g) and number of grains/panicle.
It could be concluded that soaking rice seed of Giza 177 cultivar with ascorbic acid (100 ppm) as presowing treatment beside ascorbic acid (200 ppm) as a foliar spray in field is an effective way to improve emergence, growth and yield of direct-seeded rice.