Combining ability is an important genetic attributes to cotton breeders in anticipated improvement via hybridization and selection. Seven parents were involved in a half diallel mating design which was analyzed by GGE biplot graphical method. General combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects were significant for all traits. None of the parents were found to be a good combiner for all traits where the parents Giza 75 x Sea, 10229 x Giza 86 and Giza 86 observed general combining ability for seed cotton yield, lint cotton yield and boll weight, respectively. The crosses Giza 92 x (Giza 75 x Sea) and Giza 92 x Giza 93 revealed specific combining ability for seed cotton yield, meanwhile, the cross , Giza 85 x Giza 93 for lint cotton yield and also, and the cross (Giza 75 x Sea) x (10229 x Giza 86) for boll weight.
The graphical demonstration proposed by the biplot analysis provided an effective overview of GCA and SCA effects and mean performances in crosses, where the analysis showed that the parents Giza 75 x Sea, 10229 x Giza 86 and Giza 86 could be used in improvement of plant breeding program.
In addition, the biplot also provided an opportunity for assessing the interrelationship among the genotypes.