The present investigation was conducted using sixteen flax genotypes, thirteen local lines and three commercial varieties (Giza 8, Sakha 1 and Sakha 3) as check. These sixteen genotypes were evaluated in two successive seasons (2012/2013 and 2013/14) at two locations viz: Giza Exp. Station, Giza Governorate (normal soil) and Ismailia Exp. Station, Ismailia Governorate (sandy soil). The experimental design was randomized complete block with three replications per each of the four environments (combination of locations x years).
Mean squares due to genotypes (G) showed highly significant for all characters, indicating the presence of genetic variability among the tested genotypes for all traits under study. Mean squares due to locations (L) differed highly significantly for all traits except no. of seeds per capsule, indicating a wide range of variation between the two locations under study. Mean squares due to GL interaction were comparable in magnitude to those of GY for straw, long fiber yields per fad, plant height, technical stem length, seed yield per fad, oil yield per fad, 1000-seed weight and no. of capsules per plant, indicating that location had the major effect on the relative genotypic potential of these treats. This means that for reliable evaluation of the previous traits it would certainly be necessary to test genotypes in more than multi-location testing. Interaction components variances (σ2gl, σ2gy and σ2gly) were less than the genotypic variance (σ2g) for all characters. This means that genotypes differ in their genetic potential for these traits. This was reflected in high heritability in broad sense and low discrepancy between phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variability specially for long fiber percentage, plant height, technical stem length, 1000-seed weight, no. of capsules per plant and oil percentage. These results indicating the possibility of using both of plant height and technical stem length as selection indices for improving straw weight per plant and using both of 1000-seed weight and no. of capsules per plant for improving seed weight per plant.
S.541-D/10 and S.541-C/3 proved maximum mean performance for straw, long fiber yields per fed, plant height and technical stem length as well as long fiber percentage when compared with the three check varieties, Giza 8, Sakha 1 and Sakha 3. Also, S.541-C/3 and S.541-D/10 exhibited high tolerance to sandy soil conditions for both straw yield per fed and fiber yield per fad. Therefore the two promising lines, S.541-C/3 and S.541-D/10 may be consider good substitutes for the low yielding ones, Giza 8, Sakha 1 and Sakha 3 in future as a new Egyptian flax cultivars for both straw and fiber yields. Also, S.541-C/3, S.541-D/10 and Sakha1 exhibited highest values for seed yield per fad, oil yield per fad, seed weight per plant and 1000-seed weight than other genotypes. It can be concluded that, S.541-D/10 gave high yielding ability for seed yield/fad, oil yield per fad, seed weight per plant and oil percentage with moderate tolerant to drought. Although, the promising flax line S.541-C/3 gave high mean performance for seed yield per fad, oil yield per fad, seed weight per plant and oil percentage but exhibited low tolerant to sandy soil conditions.