Two field experiments was carried out under Sohag Governorate conditions during 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 seasons, to study the effect of intercropping three chickpea varieties with onion at four chickpea intercropping systems (onion+2 rows of chickpea, onion+3 rows of chickpea, onion+4 rows of chickpea, onion+5 rows of chickpea and chickpea alone), on yield and yield components of both crops.
The obtained results could be summarized as follows:
1- Tallest plants and highest No. of leaves/plant of onion were attained under intercropping with chickpea variety of Giza-4 while the lowest values were obtained under intercropping with chickpea variety Giza- 3, in both seasons.
2- Intercropping onion with five rows of chickpea gave the tallest plants and highest No. of leaves/plant of onion, while intercropping with two rows of chickpea gave the lowest values in both seasons.
3- Giza-3 variety achieved highest total yield/fed and marketable yield/fed of onion, while Giza-2 achieved the lowest values, in both seasons.
4- Intercropping onion with two rows of chickpea produced highest marketable yield/fed and total yield/fed. as compared to other intercropping system, while intercropping with five rows of chickpea produced the lowest values, in both seasons.
5- Giza-4 variety attained highest No. of branches/plant, No. of pods/plant, and seed yield/fed, while Giza-2 attained the lowest values, in both seasons.
6- Maximum seed yields/fed were observed by cultivating chickpea variety Giza-4 or Giza-3 in pure stand, in the first and second seasons, respectively.
7- The highest combination between the two factors in respect to LER was obtained under chickpea variety Giza-3 when intercropped with onion at system of three rows, in both seasons.
It could be stated that intercropping chickpes of Giza-3 variety with onion at three rows maximized seed yield per unit area under Sohag Governorate condition.