Six bread wheat parents and their diallel F1 (in 2012/13 season) and F2's (in 2013/14 season) hybrids were evaluated to estimate combining ability for earliness, agronomic and leaf and stem rusts resistance traits. The parents were Gemmeiza 9, Sids 12, Misr 1, Misr 2, Sids 1 and Cham 4. The studied characters were: number of days to heading and maturity, grain filling period and rate, plant height, number of spikes plant-1, number of kernels spike-1, 100 kernel weight, grain yield plant-1, leaf and stem rusts resistance in the F1 hybrids; and plant height, number of spikes plant-1, number of kernels spike-1, 100 kernel weight, grain yield plant-1, leaf and stem rusts resistance in the F2 hybrids. The variances due to genotypes, parents, crosses and parents vs crosses were significant for most characters, reflecting sufficient genetic variability. According to the mean squares due to the general and specific combining ability, the additive and nonadditive gene effects were involved in the expression of most studied traits and the additive genetic effects were more important. Heterotic effects were revealed for leaf rust and stem rust resistance in F2. Misr 1 and Sids 1 were the highest parents in mean performance and best good combiners for grain yield plant-1 in the two seasons. The highest grain yield plant-1 was detected in Misr 2 x Sids 1 F1 cross and in Misr 2 x Sids 1, Misr 1 x Sids 1 and Gemmeiza 9 x Sids 1 F2 crosses. The best F1 and F2 cross for grain yield plant-1, leaf rust and stem rusts resistance was Misr 2 x Sids 1. Except Sids 1, the parents were resistant or moderately resistant to leaf rust, while Gemmeiza 9, Sids 12 and Sids 1 were the most resistant parents to stem rust resistance in the two seasons. The most F1 crosses were resistant to leaf rust and sensitive or moderately sensitive for stem rust resistance.