Two field experiments were carried out at Mansoura Agriculture Research Station during the two seasons of (2014 / 2015) and (2015 / 2016) to study the effect of spraying micro elements in combination with Bio. and organic fertilization on garlic production. The treatments tested are Zn at 60 Ppm , Mn at 60 Ppm , Fe at 80 Ppm and Zn + Mn + Fe at 60 – 60 – 80 Ppm respectively were sprayed on garlic plants grown in plots treated with Bio fertilizer ( Nitrobin + Phosphorin ) and combined with organic fertilizer at rate of 10 m3 / Fed . + 50 % of the recommended dose of chemical fertilizer and 100 % chemical fertilizer. The results indicated that chemical fertilizers at 100 % and 50 % (FYM) + 50 % chemical fertilizers have insignificant effect on plant height, bulbing ratio and bulbing diameter in the two years. While number of leaves and neck diameter were higher in the first season .as affected by 50 % (FYM) + 50 % (chemical fertilizers). Moreover 100 % chemical fertilizers give less yield than 50 % (FYM) + 50 % (chemical) in the two years. Bio - fertilizers treatments give higher yield than treatments without Bio fertilizers. However, number of leaves was higher in the Bio fertilizers treatments but neck diameter, bulbing diameter and bulbing ratio were not affected in the two yearsAs for spraying with microelements (Zn, Mn, Fe) all parameters were affected significally in the two years. Since microelements give rise to higher values in vegetative growth and total yield (Ton / Fed). The results indicated that the triple interactions have no effect on all vegetative growth parameters in the two years but total yield was affected significally in the two years. Finally spraying garlic with (Zn + Mn + Fe) gives the highest yield under application of (nitrobin + phosporin) in combination with 50 % FYM + 50 % chemical fertilizers.