The current study was carried out at Qaha Vegetable Research Farm (Qalubia Governorate), Horticulture Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center (A. R. C.), Egypt, during the two consecutive winter seasons of 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 to study the influence of different nitrogen fertilization levels i.e. 20, 35 and 50 Kg N/ fed., an inoculation of pea seeds (Pisum sativum L.) cv. Master B with compatible strain of the nodule bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum,foliar spraying with molybdenum twice at the rate of 10 Mg/ L. and its combinations on vegetative growth, total fresh green pod and dry seed yield (ton/ fed.). Increasing nitrogen fertilization levels from 20 to 50 Kg N/fed. alone led to significant increased plant pea growth, fresh green pod yield, green pod characters, dry seed yield, nitrogen, protein, phosphorus and potassium (%) presenting contents for dry seed. However, the earliest germination rate (days) were obtained with adding 35 Kg N/fed. during the two winter seasons, as compared with the other two levels (20 and 50 Kg N/fed.).Results showed that the Rhizobium inoculation gave better pea growth, green pods yield, dry seed yield and its quality as well as germination ratio, rate (days) and sprout length (cm) with adding 35 Kg N/fed. compared with the same treatments with other two N fertilization levels(20 and 50 kg N/fed). But the foliar spraying by molybdenum twice at the rate of 10 Mg/ L. led to significant increased with nitrogen level from 20 up to 50 Kg N/fed. for all traits under this study. On the other hand, adding 50 Kg N/fed. with the foliar spraying by molybdenum gave significant increased on all parameters for this study compared with other treatments. The results showed that adding 35 Kg N/fed. with Rhizobium inoculation and molybdenum foliar spraying twice at the rate of 10 Mg/L. led to significant increased for total green and dry pea seed yield as well as its characters compared with the same combination under other two nitrogen levels (20 and 50 kg N/fed). In generally, the combination between adding 35 kg N/fed, Rhizobium inoculation and molybdenum foliar spraying twice at the rate of 10 Mg/L was the highest economic return and led to provide 30% of nitrogen fertilization. Fedan = 4200 m2.