A pot experiment was conducted at greenhouse in Ornamental Horticulture, Res, Inst, Agric. Res Center, GizaEgypt, during two successive seasons of 2014 and 2015. The aim of this investigation was to study the effect of amino acids (tryptophan, ascorbic acids and super max) at different rates 250, 500 and 750 ppm on Spathiphyllum productivity and quality. Seedlings cultivated in pot with 30 cm diameter filled with 10 (kg) mixture of compost: clay: sand, 1:1:1). The statically analysis of experiment were a complete randomized design with three replicates for each treatment and each replicate had six plants. The results indicated that the different foliar treatments increased growth measured parameters, i.e. plant height (cm2), number of leaves/ plant, number of branches/plant, leaf area (cm), fresh and dry weight of leaves (g/plant), length of root (cm), number of root /plant, fresh and dry weight of root, Spathe length (cm) and fresh and dry weight of Spathe (g/plant), in Spathiphyllum plants with increasing super max , tryptophan and ascorbic acid foliar spray rates during two seasons. Flowering stalk (cm) and flowering date of Spathiphyllum significantly affect by super max, treptophan and ascorbic acids than control. On the other hand, the concentrations of N, P and K (%) and carbohydrates in Spathiphyllum plants increased with increasing different rates of super max than other amino acids and control. Finely, from these results could use super max with 750 ppm foliar spray gave best growth and flowering parameters and quality of Spathiphyllum plants.