This investigation was carried out through 2013 and 2014 seasons on three olive cultivars (Picual, Manzanillo and Koroneiki) and their adaptability to different types of soil (Sandy, Calcareous, and Silt-Loam) under Wady El-Natroon conditions, El-Behaira Governorate, Egypt. Trees were fifteen years old, planted at 6 x 6 meters apart under drip irrigation system in a private orchard. The aim of the present study was to test the influence of varioustypes of soil on the vegetative growth, flowering, fruiting, yield, physical characteristics of fruits, stones, fruit moisture content (%) and oil content (%) on the studied olive cultivars (Picual, Manzanillo and Koroneiki) to determine the most adapted cultivars for these soil types . The results were, vegetative growth parameters varied according to type of soil and olive cultivars under study, whereas Picual olive trees cultivated in sandy soil recorded the highest values of tree height and trunk cross section, while other vegetative growth parameters [shoot length (cm), No. of internodes/ m, No. of leaves/m and leaf area (cm2)] gave the best values with sandy soil and other cultivars. On the other hand, Koroneiki olive trees cultivated in sandy soil produced the highest fruit set (%), the heaviest yield/tree (in both seasons of the study), the longest inflorescence (in the second season) and the best perfect flowers percentage (when cultivated in sandy and calcareous soil). As for fruit and stone physical characteristics, was no clear trend has been shown the effect of soil types (especially for stone characteristics), whereas it's effect was less than the factor of cultivars. It is worth mention and in contrary with all the previous results, all cultivars produced their best percentage of oil content when cultivated in silt-loam soil compared with the other studied types of soil and Koroneiki cultivar was the best in oil content percentage. Under the same conditions of the present study, it could be concluded that, sandy soil was the best soil type for the studied olive cultivars (Picual, Manzanillo and Koroneiki) followed by calcareous soil. But, regarding to the oil percentage, we can take advantage of the cultivation of olive oil cultivars in silt-loam soil.