The Present study was designed to investigate the effect of rice straw compost, recommended mineral nitrogen fertilizers and their combinations on growth, yield and yield attributes of Egyptian hybrid rice 1 variety ( EHR1) as well as incidence of white head, leaf miner and sheath rot disease in hybrid rice and its productivity. The trail was carried out at the experimental farm of Sakha Agriculture Research Station as part of research activity of Rice Research Department, Sakha, Kafr El-Sheikh during 2013 and 2014 seasons. The studied treatments were performed as follows: control, 69kg N fed-1, 2.5 t rice straw compost (RSC), 23 kg N fed-1 + 2.5t RSC and 46 kg N fed -1+ 2.5t RSC fed-1. The infestations of stem borer and leaf miner insects as well as sheath rot disease were measured.
Results indicated that growth yield and yield attributing components were significantly influenced by varying fertilizer treatments, either rice straw compost or mineral nitrogen or their combinations in both seasons. Both treatments of 69kg N fed-1 and 46 kg N fed -1+ 2.5t RSC fed-1 were comparatively better in almost studied characteristics indicating the possibility to reduce the mineral nitrogen by one third on the recommended rate. The economic values have been estimated. Rice fertilized with mineral nitrogen at the recommendation rate had the highest level of white heads.
The lowest values of white head % were recorded when rice plants were fertilized with 2.5 RSC t fed-1 in both seasons. The applications of sole composted rice straw reduced sheath rot disease infection percentage when applied alone or mixed with 23 kg N fed-1. The treatment of 69 kg N fed-1 gave the highest values of net return followed by the treatment of 46 kg N fed -1+ 2.5t RSC in both seasons of study.
To sum up, from the point of view of yield, economic and soil sustainability as well as environment and pest management, the treatment of 46 kg N fed -1+ 2.5t RSC could be recommended.