Two separate field experiments were carried out in two sowing dates at each of El-Nubaria (latitude of 300 37\ N and longitude of 420 07\ E, and elevation of 34 m above sea level), El-Buhira Governorate and Tamia (latitude of 290 18\ N and longitude of 300 25\ E and elevation of -13 m beyond sea level), El-Fayoum Governorate, Egypt in 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 seasons to evaluate eight sugar beet varieties for its performance for economic characteristics and stability. The sugar beet varieties were; Cesira, Univeres, Esperanza and Yaman as monogerm seeds as well as Carola, Oscar poly, Panther and Farida as multigerm seeds, and sowing dates were; the 1st week of both October and November in the first and second seasons respectively. Every experiment of location was carried out in strip-plot design with three replications. A stability analysis was done to test the varieties to find out the most stable one over the eight environments under this study. The obtain results show that growing sugar beet at Tamia site resulted in highest values of root fresh weight/plant, root yield/fed as well as the percentages of sucrose, corrected sugar and quality index, while, at El-Nubaria, the highest value of corrected sugar yield/fed was obtained.Sugar beet planted on October had the higher values of root fresh weigh/plant, root and sugar yields/fed, as well as the percentages of sucrose, corrected sugar and quality index and less significant impurities compared with that sown on November.Oscar poly variety significantly surpassed of root fresh weigh/plant and root yield/fed, while Cesira variety surpassed of corrected sugar yield, sucrose%, corrected sugar% and quality index%. Farida had thelowest response for potassium at El-Nubaria, while Panther had the lowest for Na at El-Fayoum. Oscar poly was significantly higher in root fresh weigh/plant, and root and sugar yields/fed in October planting. Under this work, it could be recommended that Oscar poly, Panther and Farida varieties were the most high and stable root yield-type. Meanwhile, Cesira, Univeres and Carola were the most suitable ones for sucrose% and sugar yield-type and were useful for beet sugar manufacture earlier in the crushing season.