Nowadays there was an attitude from farmers to grow broadcasted seeded rice as an alternative to transplanted rice due to the scarce and costly labors in rice transplanting, but broadcasted seeded rice suffer severely from weed competition where sometimes the yield was sometimes completely lost. Finding good weed control package in rice fields which consist from. Main findings show that the use of old and newly herbicide molecules combination can succeed for sowing and rice broadcasted rice without problem. For these reasons two field experiments were conducted in split plot design were carried out at the Farm of Sakha Agricultural Research Station, Sakha, Kafrelshiekh , Governorate, Egypt during 2016 and 2017 summer seasons to evaluate the effect of two rice cultivars allocated as in the main plots two broadcasted seeded rice cultivars Sakha 106 and Sakha 104 were used in this study and thirteen weed control treatments which were the use of single herbicides or their combinations assigned in sub plots namely; Nominee at the rate of 800 cm/faddan, Saturn at the rate of 2 L faddan, Sirius at the rate of 80g/faddan, Basagran at the rate of 1.5 L/ faddan, Inpul at the rate of 20g/ faddan, Nominee at the rate of 800 cm L/faddan, followed by Basagran at the rate of 1.5 L/faddan, Nominee at the rate of 800cm /faddan followed by Sirius at the rate of 80g/faddan, Nominee at the rate of 800 cm/faddan followed by Inpul at the rate of 20g/ fed, Saturn at the rate of 2 L/faddan followed by Sirius at the rate of 80g\faddan, Saturn at the rate of 2 L/faddan followed by Basagran at the rate of 1.5 L/ faddan, Saturn at the rate of 2 L/faddan , followed by Inpul at the rate of 20g/faddan, hand weeding twice at 30 and 45 days and untreated check in each experiment on weeds, rice grain yield and its components as well as economic evaluation. Main finding results show that Sakha 106 cultivar had competiveness ability to weeds by good growth canopy and can participate by 24.9 & 25.0% weed suppression and increasing rice grain yield as tonnage per faddan by 10.55 & 15.09 % as compared with Sakha104 cultivar in both 2016 and 2017 seasons, respectively. This may be due that the vigorous growth of Sakha 106 cultivar which attributed to that cultivar more taller, more tillers and higher growth parameters to cover soil surface namely CGR,RGR and NAR which shed weeds and can combate with weeds than cultivar Sakha 104 conditions. On the other side the all used single herbicides or their combination succeeded to control weeds in rice yield by 37, 41 % and increasing grain yield as to tonnage per faddan by 1.398, 1.475 and exceeded hand weeding twice in two seasons, respectively. This may be due to the early elimination of weed competition and consequently improving rice all above rice growth parameters to utilize of natural resources of nutrients, light and space than untreated plots which heavily infested by weeds. The integration between both the role of rice cultivars and herbicides can maximize weed control and increase grain yield as tonnage per faddan than the use of single factor accompanied high incomes farmers. Application of inpul 20g /faddan+ Nominee 800 cm/faddan economical is considered as a good alternative to traditional weed control in broadcasted rice gave 82.9&84.% controlling of total weeds and increase in rice grain yield by 61.6 & 71.0% and exceeded hand weeding twice treatments as normal farmer practice for weed control in rice which gave 77.4 &77.7% weed control and increased grain yield 43.97 59.1 % in first and second seasons, respectively. Economic feasibility study of various studies weed management packages results referred clearly that under Kafrelshiekh condition by planting Sakha 106 cultivar with the use of any one of studied herbicides weed management is packages in broadcasted seeded rice and the best.