Two successful field trials were carried out during 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 seasons at Kaha Vegetable Research Farm, Kaliobia Governorate. This work aimed to study the effect of planting date (D1:1st September, D2: 15th September, D3:1st October, D4:15th October) and six pre-planting treatments on plant growth, yield and its components and chemical compounds of bulbs. The six pre planting treatments were T1: the control, T2: soaking garlic cloves (SGC) in water for 24 hour, T3: SGC in 5 ppm GA3 for 24 hour, T4: SGC in water for 24 h and then placing in moist peat-moss for one day, T5: SGC in water for 24 h and then placing in moist peat-moss for two days and T6: SGC in water for 24 h and then placing in moist peat-moss until root initiation (after three days). The results showed that D2 produced markedly the highest values of plant length, number of leaves per plant, nick diameter, bulbing ratio as well as dry weight of leaves, bulb and plant. In addition, such planting date resulted in highest values of total yield at harvest time, bulb diameter, bulb weight and number of cloves per bulb in the yield sample after curing. The last planting date (D4) scored the highest values of total carbohydrates. While, D1 exhibited the highest level of nitrogen and crude protein in dry matter of garlic bulbs. T6 exhibited the highest germination percentage, plant length as well as dry weight of leaves, bulb and plant. Furthermore, such treatment (T6) produced the highest values of total yield, bulb diameter, bulb weight and total carbohydrates in bulb. Also, the highest level of nitrogen and crude protein were more achieved via T5.