Two field experiments were carried out during 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 winter seasons at Agric. Res. Stat., Fac. Agric., Cairo Univ. Giza, Egypt to study the effect of two seeding rates i.e.50 and 65 kg seed/ faddan (4200 m2) and seven treatments of N, P and K fertilizers with or without Cerealin inoculation on wheat growth, grain yield and its components. These seven treatments were T1( 0 - 0 - 0 NPK ), T2 (50 - 30 - 24 NPK), T3 (65 - 37.5 - 36 NPK), T4 ( 80 - 45 - 48 NPK), T5 ( T2 + Cerealin), T6 ( T3 + Cerealin), and T7 (T4 + Cerealin). A split plot design in randomized complete blocks arrangement with three replications was used. Seeding rates were randomly assigned for the main plots while, fertilizer treatments were randomly arranged for the sub plots. The obtained results showed that seeding rates had no significant effect on all yield attributes except, number of shoots m-2, number of grains spikes-1 in 2013/2014 season, number of shoots m-2, number of spikes m- 2, straw yield /faddan and harvest index in 2013/2014 season. Mineral NPK fertilizers with bio-fertilizer (Cerealin) had significant effect on yield and its components except, spike length in both seasons. Grain, straw and biological yields and its attributes i.e. plant height, number of shoots m-2, number of spikes m-2, number of grains spike-1, grains weight spike-1, 1000-grain weight were significantly increased by adding bio-fertilizer compared to none adding in both seasons, respectively. Adding 75% of recommended dose of NPK mineral fertilizer combined with Cerealin inoculation resulted in significant increment in plant height, number of shoots m-2, number of spikes m-2, number of grains spike-1, grains weight spike-1, 1000-grain weight, grain, straw and biological yields as well as harvest index compared with other combination treatments. The interaction between seeding rate and fertilizer treatments was significant for all characters under study in both seasons. The highest grain yield (4.31 and 4.07 ton / faddan ) in both seasons, respectively was recorded by sowing 65 kg seed faddan-1 with adding 65 kg N + 37.5 kg P2O5 + 36 kg K2O + Cerealin inoculation compared with other tested treatments.